020: Monday PositiviTEE
Apr 07, 2022
This week's blog is written by Resonance Ed's Director of Digital Communications and Positive Psychology Practitioner, Sheila Kennedy.
Have you ever had the Sunday night scaries or experienced the Monday morning blues? Have you longed for the weekend to last just a little longer?
Me too.
I used to worry that I shouldn't feel that way, that it signaled I didn't enjoy my job… and then I realized it was actually an emotional response to the fact that I had enjoyed my weekends, that I didn't want this extra time with family and friends to end, and those feelings were OK too. So the way I responded to this mix of emotions is what would later become known as MondayPositiviTEE.
Let me explain…
I enjoy collecting inspirational quotes and sayings, especially ones printed on shirts. Back in 2016, when I was still in the classroom and studying positive psychology, I often wore one of these types of shirts to school on "Dress Down Fridays." I later decided to start wearing the inspirational shirts to school on Monday mornings because the messages on these shirts put me in such a good mood and got me excited for the start of the week. It also enabled me to share the printed messages with others - words, whether spoken, heard, or read, are pretty powerful. The shirts also eased the stress of picking something to wear on a Monday morning… talk about an added bonus!
When others would comment about a shirt I was wearing, I found myself sharing the power of positivity with them - how words can affect our thoughts, feelings, and actions. I realized that my positive message t-shirts were starting to have a purpose; wearing a shirt with an inspirational message made me feel good when I looked in the mirror, but the message was also shared with those I came into contact with. It didn't matter whether or not others reading the shirt reacted with a smile. What DID matter was that those words had the power to send messages to their brains and affect their thoughts and feelings (possibly even their actions throughout the day).
Sending a positive message to others through wearing an inspirational t-shirt became a ritual every Monday at my elementary school. As I walked through the school's hallways, those who were dreading coming in in the morning were now greeted with a powerful and uplifting message, often causing them to smile or to be at least curious about what my shirt said. The shirts also became teachable mini-lessons with my first graders; they even began looking forward to seeing what Monday message I'd be wearing.
WHAT?!? Were students excited to come to school on a Monday morning? YES!!
So I turned it into a great kick-off to my Monday morning meeting topic. As a class, we'd discuss the message on my shirt- what it meant, the feelings brought on by the words, and the positive actions that could be expressed in the world based on the message.
As a teacher, a parent, and most importantly, a fellow human being, I believe THIS is what we want more of in our world!! This was SEL in action, even though I didn't realize it.
As the school year progressed, I witnessed firsthand the ripple effect of positivity spread throughout my school - my grade partner began buying and wearing positive shirts on Mondays. Then, students began wearing them.
Other teachers and staff members in my building were asking where I had purchased my shirts because they wanted to start wearing positive messages on Monday. When I was facilitating professional development, I began sharing this Monday tradition with participants, and the response was overwhelming. They wanted to bring the idea back to their schools too! There is so much truth to the saying, "We rise by lifting others;" I have seen it with my own two eyes and felt it within my heart.
The adults and children in my school were positively affected, but the school culture was too!
Seeing many sad or negative posts on social media about people having to show up for work on Mondays and images on social media for "Motivational Monday," I decided to combine the two. I began posting on Instagram what I was wearing each Monday morning with the hashtag #MondayPositiviTEE (a play on the ending, "tee" for t-shirt). Why not embrace the opportunity to uplift and inspire teachers and students alike with the combined powers of positivity and social media?
Six years later, I still get excited for Mondays and post about my MondayPositiviTEE. The postings on Instagram often include a connection to a positive psychology topic with helpful research-backed tips. I even shout out the small businesses where the shirts were purchased to extend the ripple effect and show gratitude.
Starting the week off with wearing a positive message has been a significant mind shift to the Sunday night scaries or Monday morning blues. Mo, a fellow member of the Resonance Ed team, recently shared with me a similar idea she had come across - instead of saying TGIF, try TGIM; replacing the often anticipated excitement associated with Fridays with a Monday. The small shifts in our thinking and the slight changes in the words we use can immediately affect how we feel. We might even help others do the same.
If you decide to do something similar or are inspired to try something new, tag @Positively.Sheila or @Resonance_Ed in your social posts. We would love to see (and share) what you are doing!