017: Need an emotional boost? Have a "Peptoc!"
Mar 17, 2022
Today, I worked with 120 high school students on topics that THEY wanted to discuss - identity, diversity, inclusion, equity, allyship. I was inspired by their passion and commitment to making their area of the world a more inclusive space.
During the drive home, I couldn't help but think (again) of how much better off we'd be if we spent more time listening to and honoring what our youth have to share - their thoughts, values, and needs.
Upon arriving home, I stumbled across a social media post shared by a great friend. The post (shared below) provided a number to call if we needed a "peptoc."
I started my day with high school students and ended my day pressing all the button options offered by the kindergarten students from West Side Union Grade School in Healdsburg, California.
It was a good day.
Do yourself a favor. Call the number. It will brighten your day… even if you don't need a pep talk.